Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Inigo Montoya

Not only am I a total geek... but I'm also Inigo Montoya...

Famous Quote:
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Church and the Bus

This week I have been helping out with VBS at my church. It has been fun. The first two days I was there, someone (or somepeople) decided to put some cones around and on the Office Administer and the current Youth Pastor's cars. There has also been a water fight amongst the teens (and a few other people) that helped out at VBS. As far as the skits goes, I have been a paramedic and runner. I have mainly helped out with the '2s and 3 year olds' and recreation. 

I usually like riding the bus various different places. The problem is that here in the Greater Seattle Area, we have a poor bus system. It took me about 1 hour and 40 minutes to get home from church today. But, I did have an enjoyable ride. The route that I took brought me into Downtown/Pike Place Areas. It was fun to look and watch Seattle as I was walking, waiting, and riding the bus. It also took me into some of China Town. I like the dragons that are on the lampposts. They look pretty awesome. 

Recently I have become really interested in helping create my Youth Group's new youth room. As of about 9PM today, I finished some pulmonary sketches combining everybody's ideas for the youth room. It has been really fun imagining how the youth room could be. My sketches actually turned out to be good. You see, normally when I create something in my mind and want to put it down on paper or computer screen, it doesn't really turn out all that well. But this case is different, and I glad for it because then people can actually see what the cool youth room in my head looks like. 


Hello and Welcome to my blog. 


I don't know how often I will update this, I have failed in past times with updating my blog.

And Now For Something Completely Different... 

Based on a certain geek quiz, I am a total geek. I got 31.55819%. You should take this quiz, you never know what you might get...

i am a total geek